Social responsibility

Our actions revolve around people. We take responsibility for our employees, their families, and the people in all the regions of the world where we are active.

Sustainable products

Our understanding of sustainable products is incorporating social and ecological criteria from procuring materials to delivering products. We want to identify, rate, and continuously improve the ecological effects of the materials we use and processes we have in place.

Climate and environmental protection

We are committed to meeting the requirements of the Paris Climate Agreement. To this end, we are systematically pursuing a reduction path with an ambitious goal of 1.5 °C.


Our aim is to ensure sustainable and responsible corporate management through first-class governance practices.

CDP Rating

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a non-profit and independent organisation that operates a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to make their environmental impact transparent. The ecological performance of the DRÄXLMAIER Group as a participating company is assessed annually in several categories with a grade between A (top grade) and D.


Climate: Score C
Water: Score C
Forest: Score C


Climate: Score B
Water: Score C
Forest: Score C


Climate: Score B
Water: Score C
Forest: Score C


Climate: Score B
Water: Score C
Forest: -


Climate: Score B
Water: -
Forest: -

Our cooperations

Industry dialogue automotive industry

Respect for human rights along the global supply and vulue chains of the German automotive industry


Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e. V.


Association of the German Automotive Industry e. V. (VDA): Working group on sustainability and supplier management of the Federal Association of Materials Management

The Copper Mark

The Copper Mark is the leading assurance framework to promote responsible parctices aross the copper, molybdenum, nickel and zinc value chains. 


Daniel Ostner,

Head of Group Sustainability
