Christian Head of Environment Health and Safety

Christian is not only responsible for environmental protection in his job at DRÄXLMAIER, he is also passionate about natural gardens in his free time.

How are you committed to more sustainability - both professionally and privately?

Professionally, together with my team, I continuously improve the environmental and occupational safety performance of the DRÄXLMAIER Group. We achieve this, for example, by producing less waste and recycling more, reducing occupational accidents, designing workplaces that support health, and helping to develop our occupational health management system.

In addition, by auditing and certifying the EHS management system at all our sites, we ensure that the ever-increasing sustainability requirements of customers and stakeholders are met and exceeded.

Privately, I am involved as a volunteer auditor and certifier of natural gardens for the Naturgartenverein e.V. In doing so, I not only experience inspiring gardens, but also actively contribute to more biodiversity, climate stability, and quality of stay in our private home gardens. Therefore, I am also happy to hear from colleagues who would like to learn more about the possibilities of designing their garden in a more natural way and perhaps even certifying it.

What sparked your interest in sustainability and where does your motivation for your commitment come from?

As a forestry graduate, I was socialized in the discipline that first defined the term sustainability and continues to shape it today. In silviculture, you think, plan and act in very long time frames; after all, an oak tree planted today can only be harvested in 180 to 300 years and must be cared for by many generations of foresters until then.

Do you also strive for a sustainable lifestyle in your everyday life?

As employees at DRÄXLAMIER, we work every day to ensure the success of our sustainable and future-oriented mobility solutions - a win-win situation for both the company and the environment. We then get to reward ourselves with the really delicious, healthy and sustainable vegan bowl in our Vilsbiburg canteen.