Transport with less CO2 emission

28. March 2019 On the new website of the Initiative 2° Logistics, the DRÄXLMAIER Group presents transport projects in which emissions that are harmful for the climate can be reduced.

As a globally operating automobile supplier, the DRÄXLMAIER Group has been using Logistics solutions for many years that help reduce emissions that are harmful for the climate. Together with other initiators, the company is now presenting examples of projects for increased climate protection in the transport sector in its new <link http: external-link-new-window internal link in current>Website 2° - Logistics.

Promoting an exchange of ideas on climate protection
 The aim of the Website is to promote and enhance climate-friendly logistics by exchanging knowledge throughout the industry and the companies. Users can complete the free-of-charge interactive online platform themselves, thus promoting an exchange through smart logistics solutions. Small and medium-sized companies can use it to obtain figures based on experience with more sustainable Logistics.
„We want to share our pool of experience in innovative and climate-friendly Transport Logistics on the platform with other companies. That way, we can promote the exchange of knowledge and encourage other companies to do more for climate protection in the goods transport sector”, said Thomas Keil, who is responsible for Green Logistics at DRÄXLMAIER.

Successful Logistics Projects
DRÄXLMAIER  applies a more sustainable concept in as early as the packaging stage. The company strives to achieve a recycling chain of the used containers that is as self-contained as possible. Recycling and further utilization plays in important role in these efforts. The action has enabled the ecological footprint of supplier’s container logistics to be reduced by 20 percent.

The DRÄXLMAIER Group has also been successfully using an LNG truck since 2016. LNG is natural gas that is cooled down to minus 161 degrees centigrade. The high energy density enables trucks to increase the distance they cover from 600 to around 1,600 kilometers per  tankful. “Compared with diesel trucks, natural gas trucks emit up to 90 percent less particulate matter and around 80 percent less nitrogen oxide. There are savings of around 80 percent of CO2e for each shipment, and noise pollution is also cut in half”, said the Innovation Manager for Transport Logistics of the DRÄXLMAIER Group, Jürgen Wallner.

These and other project examples can now be found on the new <link http:> Website. The platform was developed in the  joint project „The road to <2° economy“. The project was carried out jointly with the Foundation for 2° German Entrepreneurs for Climate Protection and WWF Germany and is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

General information


The DRÄXLMAIER Group supplies premium automobile manufacturers worldwide with complex wiring harness systems, central electrical and electronic components, exclusive interiors, and battery systems for electric mobility. The globally present company thereby covers the entire process chain: from the initial idea, through the development process, and up to precisely in-sequence delivery of the products to the assembly lines of automobile manufacturers. As a family business, DRÄXLMAIER also attaches particular importance to responsible and sustainable business practices for the benefit of people, the environment and society.

Founded in Germany in 1958, the company employs over 70,000 employees at more than 60 sites in over 20 countries. In 2023, the DRÄXLMAIER Group generated sales of 5.6 billion euro. Its customers include Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Land Rover, Maserati, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Porsche and Volkswagen, as well as Californian premium automotive manufacturers.