Simon Site infrastructure management at DRÄXLMAIER in Landau

For Simon, sustainability is part of his job as well as his leisure time: He is responsible for efficient and sustainable supply in energy management at the Landau site and is also privately involved, for example, in fundraising campaigns.

What role does sustainability play in your job? 

Ever since my apprenticeship as an electrical engineering maintenance technician, I've been walking through production with my eyes open to ensure that operating resources are saved or reused, for example.

Making the best possible use of resources and avoiding waste are part of my everyday work, so I have a very trained eye. It's about keeping production running at the lowest possible cost, which encourages thinking in terms of sustainability.

After further training to become a master craftsman, my work in international resource procurement at DRÄXLMAIER in China made me even more aware of this. 

I recently took on a new role in energy management at the Landau site. We measure and analyze energy consumption, for example in building technology, to ensure the most sustainable, cost-effective and efficient supply possible. Digitization is helping us to do this, and I really enjoy driving the use of these smart tools forward.

Do you also strive for a sustainable lifestyle in your everyday life?

It is important to me to consume consciously, food for example. I've also been volunteering since my youth, helping to organize garbage collecting actions or participating in fundraising activities as part of my work at the fire department and rescue service.

Do you have any practical tips and tricks for more sustainability in everyday life?

Consume more seasonally and regionally; it's more expensive, but it's worth it. And when you do treat yourself: Enjoy consciously.